Monday 29 August 2016

Body Weight Loss My Bikini Belly

Have you tried many times to lose weight by following fad diets?

 Do you find you get to lose weight in the short term but eventually they put the weight back? Follow these simple tips to lose weight and not down, change your lifestyle to live healthy.

Losing weight is something that 90% of the population has had to do at some point in their lives. It is a fact, obesity is increasing worldwide and it is about time people looked at their lifestyle and tried to improve his waist. If you're not a fan of fad diets these simple tips will really help you change your diet and lifestyle to lose weight really easy!

Add a little spice

The easiest way to increase the amount of weight you lose is really increase metabolism. When your metabolism is high the body has to burn excess calories to digest food. That is why people with higher metabolism naturally never seem to gain weight: digesting food quickly while using some of calories we store as fat. A great way to do this is to eat natural foods that cause a thermo genic effect (warming), this added heat food increases our metabolism and burning calories. Foods that have an effect thermos are generally spicy as chilies and bell peppers. But if you do not like spicy food there are easy ways to disguise it as adding a pinch of chili their hot meals like spaghetti sauce. Just try adding a raw salad to your dishes or in a salad sandwich pepper.

Six small meals better than three large meals

He always tells us to watch our portion sizes and a fist size is generally accepted as sufficient. While this may be true that it is much better to eat 6 small meals throughout the day rather than 3 regular or large meals. This is because it keeps your metabolism throughout the day, helping to increase the amount of calories burned. Fall also stops tend to feel after a big lunch when your body has to work very hard to digest a lot of food rather than burn slowly and at a pace that can keep producing energy. Breakfast is really an important meal, many people are skipped because of time, but if you do not start early metabolism your body will not use all their waking hours to burn calories - you need to lose weight.
Increase daily exercise

Exercise is the key to losing weight. Many people think that if they go to the gym two or three times a week you can eat all you want. Unfortunately this is not true, as much as we all wish it was. Diet is the key to losing weight, but exercise helps rid the body of excess calories and stay healthy. Time is a big barrier that people use to not be able to exercise and I will not discuss this because with longer workweeks that is difficult to fit in the gym. The best way to increase your exercise is to carry out changes daily lifestyle that can add to your overall exercise. For example, a simple change can do is walk instead of driving if possible. If you use public transport try to get one stop earlier and walk those ten extra minutes. Also, if you work in an office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator once a day, use your breaks to walk on a floor for a drink or use the toilet! It all adds up to a burn increased calories.

Changing your eating habits to lose weight

Both large and small meals

Traditionally, dinner or evening meal is the largest and staple today. Some people even say they have a great dinner so they can skip breakfast! But in more recent studies it shows that a good way to help a person lose weight is to eat more calories in the morning and slowly lower until dinner to be the lowest. So this makes the opposite of the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Try to eat a high-calorie breakfast of eggs (for extra protein) and normal food. A good breakfast should be between 300 to 500 calories for men and 250 to 400 for women. Dinner should also be slightly lower in its level of carbohydrates and mainly made up of protein that is less likely to be stored as fat as if you’re not used is digested and excreted by the kidneys. But too much protein can put excess strain on the liver and kidneys, usually 1 to 2 g per pound of body weight is enough.

Low carbohydrate intake

Notice that I suggested to reduce intake and not eliminate it completely. One of the worst types of high-fat diets to come out in the last ten years is the diet without carbohydrates, is unsustainable and has numerous side effects such as lethargy, concentration problems and general lack of mood. Carbohydrates are essential for daily life, which supply the body and brain with its main source of energy - removed and the body is constantly in starvation mode. 

But carbohydrates are calorie-dense and many people do overeat this group of staple foods. So reduce the amount you eat can be important if you are looking to lose weight my bikini belly , and try not to eat meals based on carbohydrate heavy carbon too late at night as calories tend to be stored instead of burned / digested.

Lesson their fat intake

Probably the most obvious and common way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of fat in their daily diet. On average, an adult should take no more than 70 g of fat a day, which is a good idea to count fat grams for a few days and see how much you're eating. The biggest problem is a lot of foods have "hidden" fats, some consider relatively healthy foods that are high in fat and be careful. 

For example, yogurt and dairy products are generally considered to make up a healthy diet, but they can be very high in fat, so be sure to check the serving sizes, so it's not overeat. Also, granola bars and cereals are very high in sugar and should be treated as a snack or treat rather than something to replace a meal, particularly as breakfast because you ears glucose in the blood and leads to a fall thirty in the morning when you are most likely to snack on the wrong foods.

If you implement these easy to remember tips in your daily life you will lose weight easily, it does not have to be starving or stop yourself from eating your favorite food itself, but moderation what they have and get a little more exercise.

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